The National Scout Youth Forum was organised by the MSA from Saturday, 28 of February to the 1st Of March 2015, For Elected Venture Scouts representatives of their diffrent district of The Mauritius Scout Association.
During the forum twelve venture Scouts was elected to build up the team of the National Youth Scout Council 2015.
This forum saw the participation of many young, at the agenda various workshops was proposed the emphasis was put to put on the responsibilities of young people among the respect and seriousness during activities .. Rights of scouts, youth advocacy, environmental protection, poverty and solidarity were the themes of this group discussion
by Ismael Bawamia, Jean Marie Balgobin hosted an open discussion on the management and structure of events that the youth of the NYSC and DYSC can consider in the preparation of futures projects.
Be efficient youth advisors and keep it up until the end ..." Were the words of encouragement from the Chairman of the Scout Board, Gaël Devienne present for the occasion.
Valerie Quenette, has encouraged the unanimous participation of all and team spirit within the NYSC.
